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Since yesterday, TV Pi from Pirot is available to a large number of people from Serbia living in Europe and other parts of the world via the Austrian GSS IPTV network.
(Press, UNS, 13/05/2011)

The Sandzak Today ("Sandzak Danas") supplement is now available in Istanbul thanks to help from Mustafa Koca, a businessman, the Serbia International Trade Association (SITA) that connects business people from Serbia and Turkey, and a private transport company Istanbul Express. The Turkish supplement "Sandzak" of the Danas newspaper is also sold in Sarajevo. (Danas, 20/05/2011)
The company "Ringier Axel Springer d.o.o." has presented a new, redesigned web site of the newspaper "24 Sata" ("24 Hours"),, that is mostly aimed at young and urban population that leads active social life, as well as other Belgrade citizens. Apart from latest news from the city, country and the world, the web site offers all kinds of service information about Belgrade.
(ASMEDI, no. 152)

On the fifth anniversary of the morning programme of B92, the TV station begins broadcasting a new morning programme entitled "A New Morning". "Every day between 6.00 AM and 9.00 AM, the programme will offer topics from the fields of culture, entertainment, sports and music, as well as information needed for a successful start of the day", says B92.
(B92, 15/05/2011)

The ABC Serbia company will move to new business premises as of Monday, May 23. The new address is 67 Makenzijeva Street, 11000 Belgrade. Contact telephones are 011 / 24 50 508 and 24 50 204; fax number is 011 / 24 50 122. Email addresses remain unchanged.
(ABC Newsletter, 18/05/2011)

Issue No. 4
May 12 – May 24, 2011


Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.