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Professional standards

The 14th International Conference SEMPL, dedicated to the latest trends in the field of media usage, will take place in Portoroz, Slovenia, on 29-30 November 2012. The educational event will offer insight into the best practice of media strategies and present the latest media and communication trends in the Adriatic region and the world.
(E-kapija, 19.09.2012)

The traditional October regional Press Media Summit will also be held this year in Belgrade on 31 October in the Metropol Palace Hotel. The theme of the Summit will be regional informing. Additional information about the event is available here:
(ASMEDI Newsletter, September 2012)

This year's media conference and Legal Leaks Training, organized by the Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe (n-ost), will take place in Belgrade on 27-30 September under the title "Between Former Yugoslavia and the European Union – The New Interpretation of the Broken Region". The Conference will be attended by around a hundred journalists from the West Balkans, Germany and other European countries. The conferences have been held in Prague, Sofia, Bucharest, Rostov, Pecuj and Minsk.
(Danas - Vikend, 22.09.2012)

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) invites journalists and other media professionals from all parts of Europe and the world to join the Stand Up For Journalism campaign on 5 November and express their solidarity with journalists. It is necessary to remind the public of the killed journalists and support free journalism.
(NUNS 27.09.2012)

Ear-pearcing commercials, series which have a record number of viewers only because they have been broadcast for decades, the lack of educational programmes and endless reruns of films – these are only some of the characteristics of the programme aired by domestic television stations that annoy the average Serbian viewer, who hold the record regarding the time spent in front of the TV screen, reports the daily newspaper Novosti. The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA), which is tasked with controlling the content offered to TV viewers, says that the broadcasters have improved their conduct and that they are now committing much less violations.
(Vecernje novosti, 17.09.2012)

Almost all of the TV stations with national coverage broadcast commercials that are up to 30 percent louder than the rest of their programme, which is why the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) has ordered them to rectify such irregularities. Their measurement involved both RTS channels, TV Avala, TV Prva, TV B92, TV Pink, TV Happy, TV Studio B and TV Metropolis. The measurement in the technical center of the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) was performed at the request of RRA, to whom numerous citizens had complained about excessively loud commercials.
(Blic, Danas, 20.09.2012)

"Mr. Cannibal, how does the human flesh taste like?", asks the TV host. "It's delicious!", says the guest and explains that he had eaten corpses in the war zone, but also some 'fresh people'". This bizarre and disturbing content was broadcast on TV Happy on Thursday evening at 23.00. Asked whether they feel responsible for the content they had aired and if they expect to be punished by the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA), representatives of TV Happy sent us a letter in which they deny that the guest had talked about eating human flesh, claiming instead that he "made jokes about cannibalism".
(Blic, 22.09.2012)

"I will sue TV Happy because they abused my mentally ill father", says D. J., the daughter of the man who appeared in the programme "Mad House" ("Luda Kuca") on Thursday at 23.00 and claimed that he had eaten human flesh.
(Blic, NUNS, 25.09.2012)

During the one year of its existence, the Press Council has solved 30 complaints, out of which in six it was decided that the media had violated the journalistic code of conduct. "In around 20 percent of the cases, the media violated the journalistic code of conduct, which is quite a large percentage and it shows that we, the journalists, have not been adhering to our code of conduct. This is bad, very bad, for us and for the society", said the president of the Council, Dragan Bujosevic. He pointed out his dissatisfaction with the number of cases reviewed by the Council, noting that this was a consequence of the fact that the Council does not have authority over all of the media.
(B92, UNS, NUNS, 25.09.2012)

The Novi Sad School of Journalism and the Bureau of Social Research (BIRODI) have presented the results of the monitoring of this year's election campaign. The results indicate a small number of issues discussed by politicians and uniformity in media reporting. It is interesting to note that some of the media outlets were reporting up to 90 percent of their content without any criticism. The research also showed that most of the media had not reported in an unbiased manner on all political issues.
(RTV, UNS, NUNS, 25.09.2012)

Awards, training courses and competitions

In the beginning of September, the daily newspaper Vecernje Novosti announced a public competition for the Jovan Hadzi Kostic Award. The competition is open until 7 October of this year.
(ASMEDI Newsletter, September 2012)

The RTS Gallery is hosting the exhibition of photographs of the longtime editor of NIN, Branko Belic, entitled "Faces". At the same time, Belic's photographic monograph of the same title, published by The Official Gazette, will be presented to the public.
(Blic, 17.09.2012)

The media audience

According to the report, research and analysis performed by the press auditing company, ABC, the daily newspaper Vecernje Novosti is the first-ranked newspaper in Serbia regarding both its printed and sold number of copies, among the serious daily newspapers which regularly audit their circulation. The total average daily circulation of Vecernje Novosti in June and July amounted to 116,901 copies.
(ASMEDI Newsletter, September 2012)

Auditing of the circulation of daily newspapers and magazines in July 2012 shows that their ranking has remained almost unchanged. When it comes to magazines, the list of the magazines with largest circulation is similar to the June results: out of 20 magazines with the largest number of sold copies, no less than 15 are published by Color Press Group, while the biggest increase in sales as compared with June was achieved by the CPG magazines: Scandal! (from 87,456 to 100,545) and Beauty and Health (Lepota i zdravlje) (from 33,663 to 37,660).
(ASMEDI Newsletter, September 2012)

After a successfully performed initial revision, members of ABC now have access to information about the sales of the daily newspaper Informer as of 10 May 2012. The information will be published in regular monthly reports.
(ASMEDI Newsletter, September 2012)

Media transfers

A former member of the music band "Models", Anastasija Budjic, now works as a television host for TV Happy. The Playboy's model will make TV reports about the most interesting people in our media scene.
(Press, 19.09.2012)

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.