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Professional standards

Although retired, Ramiz Etemovic still travels around Pester, Golija and Kopaonik. His one-hour programme, "Vama na selu", which is a collage of reports aired on the regional station TV Novi Pazar, is broadcast via satellite and available on the Internet. Occasionally, he worked as a correspondent for Radio Belgrade. Since 1973 he has been the editor of Radio Novi Pazar. "We were a huge success at the time. There were no local TV or radio stations and people used to listen to us all the time", said Etemovic.
(Blic, UNS, NUNS, 03.09.2012)

Awards, training courses and competitions

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) has announced a public contest for the journalistic award "Djoko Vjestica" for humanitarian journalism. Additional information is available at the UNS web site.
(UNS, 30.08.2012)

A web conference will be held in Hotel Splendid in Becici on September 20-21 as a part of one of the most significant and largest regional internet festivals, Web 2012, it was announced by its organizers during a press conference held in Media Center Belgrade. Apart from the conference Web, this year's event consists of two other segments – the contest for the best regional web project, which begins on September 21, and the contest Web-Up for the best regional start-up.
(Pregled, 04.09.2012)

The contest for the best media report on the process of European integration in Serbia between January 1 and December 31, 2012 is organized by the delegation of the European Commission to Republic of Serbia, the Office for European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Erste Bank. The contest is announced on the web sites and
(Blic, 05.09.2012)

Journalist with the daily newspaper Danas, Zorica Miladinovic, is the winner of the special award for objective reporting given by the Agency for Research of Public Opinion Lubris Extra from Nis. The award was also given to the Media Research Center from Nis and a journalist with the local daily newspaper Narodne Novine, Vesna Petrovic, for reporting on the education system. Lubris Extra is the only agency for research of public opinion in this region of Serbia.
(Danas, 06.09.2012)

A short artistic film "Travelers" ("Saputnice") by Ivana Retas, a journalist with Radio-Television Kragujevac, has won its third international award. The film received the Blue Danube Award for the best religious touristic film at the Silafest International Festival of Touristic and Environmental Film that took place in Veliko Gradiste. 45 films from 22 countries participated in the Festival.
(Blic-Srbija, NUNS, 13.09.2012)

Ljubica Gojgic, a journalist with B92, is "The Woman of the year 2012" of the magazine The Men and The Best Shop in the category "Truth Between the Lines".
(B92, NUNS,13.09.2012)

The media audience

Vecernje Novosticonfirmed its top position in July: the newspaper holds the first position regarding the number of both printed and sold copies among the serious daily newspapers in Serbia, reports the newspaper. According to unofficial information from ABC Serbia, the circulation continued to grow in August as well.
(Vecernje novosti, NUNS, 31.08.2012)

The International Air Show "Batajnica 2012", organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Serbian Air Force, was broadcast live by RTS and seen by 2,102,000 viewers. There were 538 accredited journalists reporting from Batajnica.
(Tanjug, Press, 04.09.2012)

M. Miljenovic says in an article published by the daily newspaper Dnevnik: "The latest research by Ninamedia conducted in the territory of Sombor, Kula, Odzak and Apatin gave disappointing results. According to the research, which covered only legal broadcasters, the radio is already dead in Western Backa. The largest number of listeners has the regional station Radio Kulska Komuna – the grand total of 1770 listeners daily. The second position is held by Radio Kula, from the same city, which has 1250 listeners. Radio Dunav from Apatin is the only remaining radio station with a four-figured number of listeners – its audience numbers 1081 listeners. The situation is even worse in Sombor. Radio Fortuna, a small commercial station, has only 236 listeners on average, while only 208 citizens of Sombor listen to religious messages and music of Radio Blagovesnik, which is a local media outlet of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Two local radio stations in Odzak have a similar number of listeners. The lowest number of listeners has the media outlet of the Roman Catholic Church in Sombor, Radio Marija, with no more than six listeners a day. In total, three municipalities and one city of Western Backa have a population of 188,000, out of which only 6,300 (less than two percent of the population) listen to radio.
(Dnevnik, 14.09.2012)

Media transfers

On his first day as the general director of the company Pink, Zeljko Mitrovic appointed two more members of his management team. He appointed Zoran Timotic as the regional business coordinator and Vesna Stankovic as the chief of administration. Goran Gmitric is the editor-in-chief of the news section, while Slavisa Jovanovic is his deputy.
(Press, 30.08.2012)

Miroslav Cosic was succeeded by Dragan Miljkovic at the position of the editor of NTV. Cosic began his journalistic career in the newspaper Narodne Novine from Nis almost 40 years ago. He started working as a correspondent for Politika in 1976, and several years later he became the editor of Nedeljni Broj, and later the assistant editor-in-chief of the internal section. During the protests of 1996/1997 he became a part of the team of TV5 from Nis. As an editor and host of the programme "The Fifth Night" he became one of the most recognizable TV personalities. After the founding of TV Zona, he began working as one of its editors and a host of a popular show, "Ask Zona".
(Juzne vesti, 03.09.2012)


Radio Bum 93, which began airing its programe in 1992, celebrates two decades of existence this year. The station has been closed down several times by the then regime because of its principled editorial policy. At the same time, Radio Bum 93 was one of the founders of the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) in 1998. The station has also won the "Jug Grizelj" Award for advancement of free journalism, dissemination of the freedom of expression and prevention of hatred. Today, the programme of the station, which is regarded as the highest-quality programme in the Districts of Branicevo and Podunavlje, is created and hosted by a young journalistic team lead by the editor, Uros Urosevic.
(Vecernje novosti – Serbia, NUNS, 08.09.2012)

In Memoriam

Zora Mijatovic, a journalist and former editor of newspapers Dnevnik and Gradjanski List, has passed away in Novi Sad. She began working as a journalist in 1973, when she became a volunteer for the newspaper Dnevnik from Novi Sad. She worked there until her retirement. For almost a decade and a half she was the chief of the correspondents from Belgrade. Her articles were published in Blic, Svet, Poljoprivrednik and many other newspapers.
(NDNV, 03.09.2012, Dnevnik, 04.09.2012)

Journalist Novic Djukic passed away at the age of 87. He spent his whole life working with children's press, first for the newspaper Pionir. After that, he worked as the editor of the children's section of Borba, which later became a highly successful children's newspaper Kekec. Djukic became the editor of Kekec. Together with Dusko Radovic, he launched the magazine Poletarac, whose 19 issues left a deep mark in the Serbian press.
(Vecernje novosti, 02.09.2012)

A master of photography, Milenko Stefanovic, a member of the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) and the former president of the Photographic Association of Yugoslavia, passed away at the age of 65. He was a journalist since 1975, while in 1984 he became the editor of photography in the newspapers Zadruga, Rad and Duga. He also worked as a war reporter between 1991-1995 and was a member of the UNS section of war reporters.
(UNS, 06.09.2012)

Nikola Devic, a journalist and a longtime member of the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), passed away at the age of 90. He worked as a photo reporter with Borba since 1947 and as a contributor to newspapers Omladina, Ilustrovana trgovina, Beogradska Nedelja, Vecernje Novosti and TV Novosti.
(UNS, 05.09.2012)

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.