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Professional standards

Every publicly spoken or written word entails accountability, it was pointed out during the discussion organized by the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Serbia. It was also emphasized that the accountability for public statements was the same regardless of whether they were spoken or written on an interactive network.
(NUNS, 23.09.2011, Dnevnik, Kurir, 24.09.2011)

As of today, people whose rights have been violated and who have been personally offended by reports published in print media will have a chance to complain to the Press Council. The founders of the first self-regulatory body for the print media in Serbia to be concerned with the Journalistic Code of Conduct are the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS), the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), the Media Association and Local Press. Dragan Bujosevic is the president of the Managing Board of the Press Council.
(Beta, Politika, Danas, Press, NUNS, Blic, 16.09.2011)

After a public contest, the Press Council has appointed Gordana Novakovic the secretary general of the Council. Gordana Novakovic is a journalist with many years of experience who has spent most of its career working for the daily newspaper Politika.
(Danas, NUNS, 27.09.2011, ASMEDI Newsletter No. 159)

During the first ten days after the beginning of activities of the Press Council in Serbia, the Complaint Committee of the Council received two complaints related to content published in the print media, says Gordana Novakovic.
(Danas, 27.09.2011)

Statistical data collected by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance show that journalists have submitted 400 complaints against the Ministry of Finance because of its refusal to give information. The complaints have been filed by officials from journalistic associations and journalists from newspapers Politika, Blic, Danas, Kurir, Alo... It is only slightly comforting that the requested but denied information was subsequently released after the Commissioner's interventions in around 95 percent of the cases.
(Politika, 16.09.2011)

Awards, training courses and competitions

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program at the Washington, D.C.-based National Endowment for Democracy invites applications for fellowships in 2012-2013.
(NDNV, 20.09.2011)

The UNICEF Office in Serbia has announced a public contest for the annual award for media reporting on children and their rights. The deadline for submission of works is November 5, 2011.
(MC, 27.09.2011)

A newly established Foundation "Dusan Bogavac" will present journalistic awards for ethics and courage. The Foundation will also launch the Fund "Dusan Bogavac" for scholarships to gifted students of journalism. The president of the Assembly of the Fund is journalist Filip Mladenovic.
(NUNS, 28.09.2011)

From November 9th till November 12th 2011, in Novi Sad, at the premises of Radio Novi Sad, “Radio-Televizija Vojvodine” will be hosting 13th TAKTONS, the international competition of sound engineers. This year, sound engineers from the following Media will compete: Radio-Television of Slovenia, Croatian Radio-Television, Radio-Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radio-Television of Republic Srpska, Austrian Radio, MTVA-Hungarian Radio, Radio-Television of Slovakia, Macedonian Radio-Television, Radio-Television of Montenegro, Romanian Radio, Radio-Television of Serbia, and the hosting Radio-Television of Vojvodina. For more detailed and up-to-date information, please, visit our website:
(Taktons, 28.09.20112)

Visits to the media

Delegation of the All-China Journalists' Association visited yesterday the editorial office of the daily newspaper Dnevnik as a part of its cooperation with the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS). The delegation was comprised of editors of four major Chinese newspapers, who also visited Radio-Television Vojvodina.
(Dnevnik, NUNS, 22.09.2011)

The secretary-general of the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), Nino Brajovic, met with the four-member delegation of the All-China Journalists' Association in the premises of the UNS.
(UNS, NUNS, 22.09.2011)

Members of the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency had a meeting with the representatives of the Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.
(Blic, 23.09.2011)

The Tourist Organization of Serbia will organize a visit by Italian journalists from the most prestigious Italian print media Il Giornale, Il Style (a supplement to Corriere della Sera), La Repubblica, Il Riformista.
(, 23.09.2011)

The media audience

A Facebook page dedicated to open discussion about the media has been created under the title "5parazamedije" at the following link:
(BIRN Srbija, MC 22.10.2011)

Media transfers

A popular TV host and media representative of TV Pink, Tatjana Vojtehovski, has decided to leave the Pink Media Group company after nearly a decade of employment. Her announcement – delivered to all media outlets – says that her decision was caused solely by personal reasons and that she remains "loyal to her moral and professional principles". The owner of Pink, Zeljko Mitrovic, said to Blic newspaper that the door of his company will always remain open for Tatjana Vojtehovski.
(Blic, 28.09.2011)


The first issue of Blic daily newspaper was published on this very day 15 years ago.
(Blic, NUNS, 16.09.2011)

The free daily newspaper "24 Sata" ("24 Hours") celebrated its fifth birthday on September 18.
(Alo!, UNS, 19.09.2011)

The oldest local media outlet, Radio Kikinda, has celebrated 20 years of its existence. The local radio station broadcasts programme in Serbian, Hungarian, Romanian and Romany languages. It has 20 employees and is financed by the local self-government.
(Politika, NUNS, 23.09.2011)

In Memoriam

A longtime journalist and the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Nasa Rec, Milisav Marinkovic, died in Leskovac at the age of 82. He was a teacher to many renowned journalists from Leskovac.
(Juzne vesti 23.09.2011)

The doyen of news agency journalism in Serbia and former Yugoslavia, and a longtime editor and correspondent of FoNet, Tanjug and News from Frankfurt, Milenko Babic Babac, died in Belgrade at the age of 72. He was also a contributor to the weekly magazine NIN.
(Fonet, NUNS, MC, 25.09.2011)

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.