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Home > MC for media > Media News Bulletin > Issue no 24 > Media Institutions and Activities

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS)

The educational center "Total Edu" has approved special conditions for education of members of the UNS and the family members. Additional information is available on the phone number 064 101 80 20.
(UNS, 05.03.2012)

The dentist's office "Dentalika" offers a discount to members of the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS). UNS members are required to show their UNS ID card, valid for the current or the previous year. Additional information is available via phone number 069 21 40 804.
(UNS, 05.03.2012)

The Laguna Lux hotel from Nis offers a 15% discount on the price of accommodation to members of the UNS with valid ID cards.
(UNS, 12.03.2012)

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS), in cooperation with the travel agency "Sabra", provides affordable vacation for its members in Pefkochori, Greece. Additional information is available via the phone number 065 322 39 15, or email aleksandra.radec@gmail.com not later than March 28.
(UNS, 14.03.2012)

The Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV)

The Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV) held its regular electoral assembly today. During the session, new managing bodies have been elected and a new statute of the Association has been adopted. The new statute is harmonized with all laws and subordinate legislation relating to associations of citizens. Dinko Gruhonjic, a journalist with the Beta news agency and an expert associate of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, was elected as the president of the Association. Gruhonjic was the president of the Association in the previous mandate. Journalist and writer Nedim Sejdinovic was elected as the president of the Executive Board, with other members of the Board being the correspondent of Radio Free Europe and media analyst, Zuzana Serences, journalist Branislava Opranovic, the former editor-in-chief of "Magyar Szo", Caba Presburger, and the editor and owner of Becejski Mozaik, Vladan Filipcev. Aside from the Executive Board, which has replaced the previously-existing Managing Board, the Council of NDNV is another of the new bodies. The members of the Council are the publicist Mirko Djordjevic, writer Laslo Vegel, political analyst Pavel Domonji, and journalists Nenad Zivkovic and Aleksandar Reljic. Journalist Maja Ledjenac is the secretary general, while Dusko Medic is the executive secretary. Journalists Smiljana Milinkov and Gordana Perunovic Fijat, as well as the journalist Petar Petrovic, were elected as members of the Court of Honor of NDNV. The new managing bodies have a mandate of four years.
(NDNV, 10.03.2012, Danas, UNS, NUNUS, Pravda, Vecernje Novosti – Serbia, 12.03.2012)

A session of the Assembly of NDNV was held yesterday and its participants pointed out that only in the previous three days their colleagues were attacked in Becej, Sid and Sremska Mitrovica. "Journalists are targeted by powerful figures even today, while attacks usually remain unpunished", warned the president of the Executive Board of NDNV, Nedim Sejdinovic.
(Dnevnik, 11.03.2012)

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL)

In accordance with the Rulebook on Minimal Content, the Level of Detail and Publication of Standard Offers, if the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) establishes that the standard offer has not been prepared and published in accordance with the Law, the Rulebook and other legal documents, the Agency may demand that the standard offer be modified. Details are available on the website of RATEL.
(RATEL, 08.02.2012)

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) has registered the following most frequent irregularities in operation of wireless Internet providers:

  • Failure to report the launch of wireless Internet services
  • Failure to report the number and location of stations
  • Failure to broadcast network ID
  • Operation using larger power levels than allowed: 100 mW in the range of 2400–2483.5 MHz, and 1W in the range of 5470–5725 MHz,
  • Usage of non-directional antennas
  • Operation outside permitted range (2400–2483.5 MHz and 5470–5725 MHz)
  • Usage of commercial equipment for wireless Internet for establishment of radio relay links which require special licensing procedures
  • Usage of impermissible transmission standards (802.11 superA and superG) etc.

RATEL is authorized to fine the legal entity or independent entrepreneur that has committed the violation, or to forbid operation during a period of up to three years.
(RATEL, 01.03.2012)

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) has ordered the cable distributor SBB to broadcast the programme of television stations Kanal 9, Delta, Mozaik and Novosadska TV, says the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS). TV station Kanal 9 from Novi Sad expects that in few days the order issued by RATEL be implemented, including the requirement that its programme be broadcast with a signal of the same quality as the signal of other TV stations.
(UNS, 08.03.2012, Pravda, 09.03.2012)

On 9 January 2012, the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) sent all providers of electronic communication services a request for delivery of reports and information. The providers are required to deliver the Agency the following information: 1. Annual Report for the year 2011 (with a financial and technical section); 2. Information on Quality Parameters; 3. Information Necessary for Calculation of Fees for Providers of Electronic Communication.
(RATEL, 09.03.2012)

After public consultations, the Managing Board of the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) adopted on 6 March 2012 the final proposal of the Plan of Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation and delivered it to the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society. The final proposal is available here: The Plan of Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation Together with Supporting Documents and Opinions of Participants in Public Consultations.
(RATEL, 07.03.2012)

On 14 March 2012, a joint action of the Department for Fight Against Advanced-Technology Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Republic Broadcasting Agency and the Control Department of the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) resulted in closure of the broadcaster Radio Raka Esinger from Lazarevac, who had been broadcasting its programme for years despite the fact that it lacked a broadcasting license.
(RATEL, 14.03.2012)

The South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO)

SEEMO condemns alleged attempts by the authorities of the municipality of Becej, to prevent Nened Jovovic, a journalist with the regional public broadcaster Radio Televizija Vojvodine (RTV), from attending a municipal meeting. City councillors were discussing local security issues.“I call on the Becej authorities to allow all journalists to attend their meetings,” said SEEMO Secretary General Oliver Vujovic. “What is discussed there is of public interest, and banning the public broadcaster from covering the event violates press freedom.”
(SEEMO, 07.03.2012)

SEEMO marked International Women's Day by calling on media organisations in South, East and Central Europe to increase the participation of women in top-level management positions, guarantee salary equality, improve reporting on gender-related issues, avoid stereotyping and respect ethical standards when reporting on women, in particular as victims of violence.
(SEEMO, 07.03.2012)

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at goran.cetinic@gmail.com.

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.