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The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS)

The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) has called on the government to declassify all documents related to the conflict at the Jarinje administrative crossing and to publish secret services' information about the events.
(Politika, Pravda, NUNS, 14.10.2011)

On 20 October 2011, the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) will organize a workshop entitled "The Role of the Media and Implementation of Ethical Standards in Reporting About the Reform of the Social Security System and Users of Social Services". The workshop is aimed at journalists who report on social issues in the media and students who study to become journalists.
(MC, 14.10.2011)

On the occasion of 16 October – the European Day of Organ Donation – the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) calls on its members and colleagues to become donors and join the campaign under the slogan "Let's Make Lives Longer".
(NUNS, Blic, 17.10.2011)

On Friday and Saturday, 21-22 October in Cacak, at a stall erected by the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS), citizens will have a chance to choose topics to be investigated by the journalists of the weekly magazine Cacanske during the following six months. NUNS and Cacanske have prepared a list of topics about the allocation of state budget funds. The project has been successfully realized in Kikinda and Krusevac. The project is being implemented as a part of the program of support to civil society by the Delegation of the EU in Serbia.
(NUNS, 20.10.2011)

On Saturday, 22 October, despite bad weather, a large number of citizens participated in the project, selecting the topics for research proposed by the journalists of Cacanske newspaper and the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS). Preliminary results show that the citizens of Cacak are most interested in public procurement in the local administration and the Public Company Gradac. On next Saturday, 29 October, NUNS will end its project in the city of Nis, in cooperation with the news portal Juzne Vesti.
(NUNS, 22/10/2011)

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS)

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) condemns the increasingly frequent attacks against RTV Prima from Bajina Basta and demands that the police identify the perpetrators of the attacks. UNS demands urgent investigation by the police and the prosecutor's office and immediate announcement of results, that the cases of attacks against the media be solved, and that the perpetrators be brought to justice.
(UNS, 18.10.2011)

UNS calls on all its journalistic colleagues in Serbia to sign a petition against secret trials of journalists. The petition was initiated because of the indictment against the journalist of the Nacionalni Gradjanski newspaper from Novi Sad, Jelena Spasic, and her editor, Milorad Bojovic. "The indictment was made without any investigation, which means that the journalists have been subjected to an urgent procedure, while the prosecutor has demanded a secret trial, without the public. The crime the journalists have been accused of carries a prison sentence, while the defendants are not allowed to publicly reveal any details about the legal proceedings. The state's intention to persecute the journalists in a Stalinist manner is outrageous. These journalists have been praised by the journalistic community because of their reporting in the interest of citizens and the public's right to know. We call on the public to exert pressure on the judiciary to give up on its intention to secretly prosecute the journalists who have performed their work in a professional manner and in the interest of the public", says the statement issued by the UNS.
(UNS, 17.10.2011)

The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA)

Ten days ago, the Kikinda branch of the cable provider SBB removed the TV VK station's programme from its cable packages without any previous announcement or explanation. TV VK is one of two local TV stations. The founder of RTV VK, Jet Company, submitted a complaint to the Committee for Protection of Competition demanding their intervention. In its opinion, the decision by SBB to end transmission of the programme of TV VK is discriminatory and is beneficial only to its competition, TV Rubin. This week, RTV VK issued a statement in support of the proposal made by the Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS): at the initiative of TV Kanal 9 from Novi Sad, the UNS demanded that the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) and Ratel order the cable providers to broadcast the programme of TV stations in territories where they are licensed.
(Kikindske novine, UNS, 17.10.2011)

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL)

In accordance with its legal authority, the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) has taken and is continuously taking appropriate measures to prevent operation of illegal FM, TV and radio stations which do not have individual licenses for usage of radio frequencies or programme broadcasting. Their broadcasts are being discovered in the course of control of the radio frequency spectrum. The Agency has initiated appropriate procedures to punish the owners of these radio stations. An updated list of 51 FM, TV and radio stations which are not authorized to use the radio frequency spectrum has been published on the web site of RATEL.
(Ratel, 18.10.2011)

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) calls on the public and the professional community to participate in public discussion about the draft Plan on Amending the Plan of Allocation of Frequencies/Locations for Terrestrial Analog FM and TV Broadcasting Stations in the Territory of the Republic of Serbia. Comments have to be submitted in a written from and must contain the submitter's name and contact details. Comments should be sent to the following address: Republička agencija za elektronske komunikacije, Višnjićeva 8, 11000 Beograd, Faks: 011 3242 673; E-mail:,
(Ratel, 18.10.2011)

The South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO)

SEEMO, with the support of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA), and in cooperation with the Albanian Media Institute, will organise a conference on how media in South, Central and Eastern Europe report on ethnic minorities, gender and sexual diversity issues, and religion. To be held in Tirana, Albania, from 24-26 October 2011, the conference will also include a special panel discussion dedicated to hate speech.
(SEEMO, 21.10.2011)

SEEMO condemns the series of attacks against the property of Radio-Television Prima in Bajina Basta. SEEMO is informed that TV Prima has been under increasing political and economic pressure during the past four months. In fact, local media in Serbia are continuously pressured by politicians, business leaders and religious figures.
(SEEMO, 24.10.2011)

Croatian journalist Dragutin-Drago Hedl is the winner of the 2011 Dr. Erhard Busek - SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe. He worked for Slobodna Dalmacija, Feral Tribune, Novi List and since 2008 he has been writing the Zagreb daily Jutarnji List. In addition he is published in The Guardian, Time magazine, Die Wochenzeitung, and numerous other US and European publications.
(SEEMO, 24.10.2011)

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.