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The first issue of the weekly magazine Nasa Rec has appeared on newsstands in Leskovac and contains 16 pages with the front and rear cover in color. The weekly magazine, launched by a group of journalists from Leskovac, will be published on each Friday in 1000 copies.
(Pravda, UNS, NUNS, 28.11.2011)

In the future, readers of Juzne Vesti will be able to receive information via mobile phones and tablets. Advertisements will not appear on phones and tablets, while photographs and video recordings will be additionally optimized and their loading should be much faster. The website is capable of detecting the presence of a mobile device and automatically serves the mobile version of the website. "An increasing number of citizens uses smartphones or tablets. We want to allow them to easily access information while waiting for a bus or walking around the city", says the editor, Predrag Blagojevic, adding that applications for Android and iOS are in the process of development. "Almost 5000 people a month read Juzne Vesti using mobile devices. Half of them use the Android operating system, while 33 percent use iPhone or iPad", Blagojevic points out. Juzne Vesti is the first regional online newspaper in Serbia.
(Juzne vesti, 29.11.2011)

TV BK is on the air again. The first "Telefact" – which was one of the leading news programmes – has already been made available on YouTube in the well-known time slot at 18.55. The new TV BK broadcasts its programme exclusively on YouTube and "Telefact" will be available on the internet each day until the end of the year. The programme will be hosted alternately by Milos Jeremic and Dragana Ilincic. The editor of the news programme of the new TV BK, Jadranka Tasic, says to Press that a complete programe schedule will be launched on January 1 of the next year. At the moment, she did not want to reveal more details.
(Press, 07.12.2011)

Although TV BK has been off the air for six years, the "Telefact" show will be available on YouTube as of Monday featuring the logo of TV BK News. The channel's editor-in-chief is Jadranka Tasic, who was previously the editor of TV5 from Nis. "We are still in the beginning phase. We will broadcast only the evening edition of the news, while 24 hour-a day programme will be launched later", said Tasic. Goran Karadzic, the deputy president of the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA), said to Blic that the Council had not discussed the case yet.
(Blic, UNS, NUNS, 07.12.2011)


The assistant minister for telecommunication, Irina Reljin, has confirmed that the beginning of the transition to the digital TV signal will be postponed, but that preparatory activities will continue: "Elections will be held next year and no one would proceed with digitalization on the eve of elections; the European Football Championship and the Olympic Games will be held soon, as well, and we cannot begin turning off the signal before these events are over".
(Politika, NUNS, 25.11.2011)

"Draft amendments to the Strategy of Transition From the Analog to Digital Broadcasting of the TV Signal in Serbia are almost completed. The draft envisions a phased transition as well as a test broadcast of the digital signal which should begin by the end of the year. Equipment for the project has been delivered and we are in the process of replacing transmitters that have not been upgraded for decades", said to Danas Jasna Matic, the state secretary for the digital agenda in the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society. She added that the pilot network would cover 40-50 percent of viewers in Serbia. "The first shutdown of analog signal will occur in the next year. It remains to be seen how many regions will be selected and when the last and final shutdown will take place. STB devices will have a base price of around 30 euros".
(Danas, NUNS, UNS, 28.11.2011)

The transition from the analog to digital broadcasting of TV signal is planned to take place in April 2012 and no official decision has been made to extend the deadline – this is the message of the yesterday's round table organized by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM). A consultant in the Ministry of Culture, Milos Stojkovic, said that the only legal obligation of Serbia was to complete the digitalization before the end of 2015 because analog communication would be protected until then. He added that the process would require changes in the legal framework. Stojkovic announced amendments to the Strategy of Digitalization and other regulations.
(Tanjug, Pravda, NUNS, 29.11.2011)

Untitled Document „14 dana u medijima“ uređuju Marin i Goran Cetinić koje možete kontaktirati putem mail adrese

„14 dana u medijima“ predstavlja sažeti prikaz pisanja medija o situaciji u medijima. Nastao je sa ciljem da registruje informacije o medijima objavljene u prethodnih 14 dana u Srbiji, sažete tako da prenesu suštinu medijskih tekstova i grupisane u tematske celine. Urednici prenose vesti ne menjajući suštinu pisanja medija o medijima. Za čitaoce zainteresovane za kompletan objavljen tekst, navodi se izvor i datum objavljivanja. Više o rubrikama biltena

Ovaj bilten vesti realizovan je zahvaljujući građanima SAD u okviru programa podrške medijima Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID). Sadržaj biltenaje isključiva odgovornost autora i ne predstavlja zvaničan stav USAID-a i IREX-a.