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The first regional summit dedicated to the new media, "New Media Summit", will be held in Belgrade on September 28 with participation of experts in digital media and representatives of state institutions of Serbia, countries of the region and the European Union.
(NDNV, 02.09.2011, Blic, Pravda, 03.09.2011, Press, NUNS, 05.09.2011)

The fourth Serbian MobileMonday will take place on September 12 at 18.00 in the Cultural Center Gradin Belgrade (4 Brace Krsmanovica Street). The event will be dedicated to tablets that are available from domestic providers and the development of applications for them.
(UNS, 09.09.2011)

Dr Oliver Subotic emphasized the significance of social networks at the event entitled "The Rising Power of Social Networks" that was recently organized in the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia. "Until now, the political, military and economic power have been dominant in the society. Social networks are now becoming the fourth pillar of power that brings citizens together and offers a chance to achieve a certain balance of power", believes Subotic.
(Press, NUNS, 09.09.2011)

A special issue of Kurir daily newspaper in English language was distributed to participants of the Serbia-EU Forum.
(Kurir, 10.09.2011)

The regional TV Zona introduces a new programme schedule on September 15 with no less than 20 author shows. "The programme content will cover all segments of life in the city of Nis and its surroundings. We will emphasize the news programme, which we have been very proud of, since we are one of the best-rated TV stations in the region. We will also include contact programmes, which have also achieved excellent ratings" – says Gordana Bjeletic, the editor-in-chief.
(Vecernje Novosti, NUNS, UNS, 14.09.11)

Taking into account the fact that many traditional media outlets do not use the possibilities offered by social media, and that often treat them with disregard, journalist and expert for new media strategies, David Brewer, offers ten advices for integration of social and traditional media at his web site Brewer points out five mistakes of the traditional media which should be avoided during integration of social media, as well as five things that should be done. "Have a look at how the leading media outlets have implemented their presence on Facebook and other social networks and web sites (CNN, BBC News, Wall Street Journal)…", advices Brewer.
(Media Center Sarajevo,, NUNS, 08.09.2011)

Issue No. 12
September 03-16, 2011

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.