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Video-on-demand is a new service offered by HBO GO that is available to all internet users subscribed to HBO, at any computer that is connected to the web, it was said at the yesterday's press conference. At the moment, the service can be used within the SBB D3 digital television. The service will be available to subscribers in the ex-Yu region, which means that users can travel through Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Bulgaria, and at the same time enjoy the HBO GO content in each of these countries, provided that adequate internet connection is available.
(Danas, 25/05/2011)

New profile of Kurir

On June 6, daily newspaper Kurir adopted a more modern format with 40 color pages, better paper and twice the amount of information.
(Kurir, 01/06/2011)

We are glad that daily newspaper Kurir has an affirmative attitude towards education and that you have organized an event in the Foundation of Milica Zoric and Rodoljub Colakovic on the occasion of celebration of eight years of company's activities. In this way, you have allowed your friends and associates to become acquainted with the gallery intended for exhibition of modern art, says the note of gratitude for support and financial donation that was sent by Branislav Andjelkovic, director of the Fund of the Museum of Contemporary Art, to Kurir daily newspaper.
(Kurir, 02/06/2011)

New Kurir was published with twice as many pages and with the old price of 20 dinars per copy. The first new issues was free.
(Kurir, 06/06/2011)

All 425,000 copies of Kurir have been delivered to readers in all parts of Serbia.
(Kurir, 07/06/2011)

The digital world comes to Belgrade

We invite everyone who is interested to apply for participation in the conference "The Digital Impact" organized by ABC Serbia, with support from the USAID and IREX, in the Belgrade Hotel Continental on Friday, July 1. Speakers at the event include globally renowned names from the digital business world – Jon Williams, Chief Digital Officer of Grey EMEA from Londona, Brian Morrissey, editor-in-chief of Digiday-a from New York and Tal Navarro, Head of Social Media Adler Chomski Group from Tel Aviv. More details about the event are available at the address:
(ABC Newsletter, 01/06/2011)

Participants of the "EuroDIG" conference have discussed, among other things, the relationship between the new and traditional media. They have pointed out several criteria for making a distinction between these two media types: the intent to distribute information; editorial control; influence over the public; and the ability to reach a large number of people. The perception of users is also relevant in deciding whether a web site is a media outlet or not. Will the traditional media survive in this environment? Most of the participants of the workshop are of the opinion that the traditional media will survive, but only if they use the new media. Just like the telegraph had at first frightened the newspaper publishers, before they realized that it was the best thing that happened to them. In the end, the information exposed by "Wikileaks" was published by most reputable international newspapers (The New York Times, The Guardian...), affording it greater popularity, significance and credibility than what it would have had if it had been published on a blog.
(Politika, 02/06/2011)

Promotion of the web portal RecSerbia

Internet portal RecSerbia ( is envisioned as a form of info service and media support to the recycling sector in Serbia. The project is organized by the Initiative for Democratic Transition (DTI) and the Center for Development of Social Entrepreneurship (CRSP) from Belgrade. The project was implemented thanks to funds provided by the USAID Serbia Competitiveness Project. Media Center Belgrade is a media partner of the RecSerbia portal.
(Media Center, 07/06/2011)

SES Astra, a part of the SES company, has signed a contract with Telecom Serbia regulating the distribution of Serbian public media services, RTS Sat and Radio Belgrade in the territory of Serbia via the Direct-to-Home system. Since June 1, the channels are being distributed for free using Astra's orbital position.
(Pregled, 08/06/2011)

Other news

Our famous designer, Zvonko Markovic, has recently began working as a stylist on the morning programme of TV B92.
(Blic, 02/06/2011)

Citizens of the municipality of Trstenik who cannot access cable networks have not been able to watch the local RTV because its programme is being aired from a transmitter in Kraljevo. In the words of the president of the municipality, Stevan Djakovic, an agreement was reached with the Eparchy of Zica and TV Logos – programmes "Raskrsca" ("Crossroads") and "Vesti" ("News") will be retransmitted on the channel 12 of the VHF segment. President Djakovic has also announced airing of full-time daily programme of the RTV Trstenik on this channel.
(Pravda, 06/06/2011)

An international scientific event, Fourth Montenegrin Media Dialogs, was held in Bijelo Polje. The event included more than 30 participants from Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Ukraine. The topics of the event covered the following issues: "Digitalization of the Media", "Children and the Media", "Media Concentration" and "Copyright in the Media".
(Danas - Sandžak, 03/06/2011)

Issue No. 5
May 25 – June 08, 2011


Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.