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The media situation in Serbia

In more than 72 percent of polled media outlets, the average salary amounted to 30,000 dinars, while media employees had a salary exceeding 50,000 dinars in only three percent of all media outlets. Almost four of the five million euros of government funds was expended on financing of activities of four publicly-owned media companies, while one million euros was spent on projects in than more than 200 media outlets – says the report on media freedom in Serbia in 2011. The report "Media Freedom in Serbia in the European Mirror", based on 27 indicators for evaluation of freedom of the media in the member countries of the Council of Europe and prepared by media associations ANEM (Association of Independent Electronic Media), NUNS (Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia), NDNV (Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina) and Local Press, says that only four out 27 European professional standards have been successfully achieved in Serbia. The report also says that 26 percent of TV stations and 25 percent of radio broadcasters are publicly-owned; that 14 percent out of 240 interviewed executives in news media are opposed to privatization of media outlets (with 60 percent of them coming from state-owned media, and 40 percent from private media outlets); that 14 percent of them do not have a clear position on un/desirability of state ownership over the media. 73 cases of drastic violations of media freedoms and rights have been registered: nine physical attacks on journalists, 18 threats against physical integrity, and four removals from position of editors-in-chief or media directors. The research showed that only two percent out of 240 interviewed editors-in-chief of news media outlets were of the opinion that media freedom and journalists' rights had been fully realized during the year. The report says that trade unions of journalists exist only in publicly-owned media outlets, while those that exist in private media outlets were inherited from the pre-privatization period. At the same time, 72 percent of interviewed editors of news media outlets consider that the existing public service broadcasters are not protected from political influences in their everyday activities, while 66 percent believe that the principle of no clear political affiliation in higher executive positions is not upheld. The report notes that 70 percent of interviewed political party officials, both from the ruling parties and the opposition, were of the opinion that the media did not adhere to the principle of non-bias in political reporting, while 92 percent of editors-in-chief said that their media outlets were not biased. Only 13 percent of editors-in-chief of radio and TV stations were of the opinion that regulatory bodies were unbiased and efficient; 88 percent of the interviewees engaged in national councils of national minorities or the minority media did not know of a single successfully privatized media outlets in a minority language; 72 percent of them said that national councils of national minorities did not have necessary instruments to significantly improve activities and development of the minority media. The research used publicly available data about the media sector, with additional interviewing of 240 editors-in-chief of news media outlets from 79 cities in Serbia, 69 media owners, 40 political officials from 10 cities in Serbia, 50 members of nine national minorities, as well as 26 representatives of state, regulatory and self-regulatory bodies whose areas of authority include the media sector.
(Vesti Uzice, NUNS, NDNV, 31.05.2012)

In hindsight, it is clear that each vote counted in the run-off of the presidential election in Serbia. The Digital Vote of Serbia began its monitoring of social networks, forums and other more or less significant websites already at 6 AM. The full report and graphs.
(MC, 16.05.2012)

A fierce debate abour political pressure on the media took place recently. The following individuals participated in the debate: Nebojsa Krstic, Bosko Jaksić, Ljiljana Smajlovic and Dragoljub Zarkovic:
Dokaz je medijski Srbistan ("Media Serbistan is the Proof") (Politika, UNS, NUNS, 30.05.2012),
Neka Jaksic dokaze tvrdnju ("Jaksic Should Prove His Claims) (Politika, UNS, NUNS, 29.05.2012),
I dalje bez dokaza ("Still No Proof") (Politika, 31.05.2012),
Vlast i mediji, još jednom ("The Government and the Media, Once Again") (Politika, 31.05.2012),
Puce tikva 2 ("The Break-Up"), (Politika, NUNS, 06.01.2012),
Celicenje medija ("Strengthening of the Media") (Politika, NUNS, 06.01.2012)

In order to harmonize domestic media legislation with European legislation and keep pace with the expansion of new technologies and markets, a work group led by Professor Rade Veljanovski has prepared a draft Law on Electronic Media. The work group has delivered the draft Law to the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society.
(Media Center, 07.06.2012)

Assessments of the current media situation in Serbia

Using hidden contracts signed without public contests or criteria, the city government in Nis pays hundreds of millions of dinars to the media each year, shows a research conducted by Juzne Vesti. In the last four years, media outlets in Nis have signed contracts worth 300 million dinars with representatives of various state institutions, which constitutes almost 30 percent of the total revenue of NTV, Narodne Novine, TV Belle Amie, TV Zona, TV5 and Kopernikus. The president of the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia, Vukasin Obradovic, says that in the situation characterized by transition and impoverished market, on the one hand, and too many media outlets, on the other hand, the state, municipalities and cities have become the main patron in this area. "By giving away the taxpayers' money without any public contests, clear criteria, or independent committees, and by offering at the same time contracts with publicly-owned companies, they have clearly made it known that only sycophantic media outlets with a 'constructive' approach towards the local self-government will be financed".
(Juzne vesti, 30.05.2012)

TV Vojvodina has began airing the documentary series "The Media in Serbia: The Chronicle of Destruction", authored by Slavisa Lekic, which depicts the ruination of the media in the last twenty years – from the beginning of the rule of Slobodan Milosevic to this day. The series, consisting of seven episodes, will be aired each Friday.
(Politika, 25.05.2012)

The ruling structures have succeeded in institutionalizing self-censorship in Serbian media, which was evident during the election campaign and contributed to abstinence of some voters, says an article published in Magyar Szo, adding that the media in Serbia has ceased to act as controllers of the government structures, and that the blame lies on the political elite, which believes that the media should publish only favorable news about it.
(Magyar Szo, NDNV, RTV, NUNS, Politika, UNS, 27.05.2012)

At a round table entitled "Serbia and Europe 2020, Recommendations and Experiences of Slovenia in Stimulating Fast-Growing Companies in Serbia", the representative of Slovenia in the European Parliament, Jelko Kacin, commented on the freedom of the media in Serbia. He said that was not a single media outlet in Serbia that was independent from companies whose advertisements they publish.
(Pregled, 29.05.2012)

A former prime minister of Serbia and a high-ranking official of the Democratic Party (DS), Zoran Zivkovic, said that "DS is exerting strong pressure on the media", which made him, a member of the party, "feel ashamed".
(Danas, 31.05.2012)

The 32nd monitoring report about the media scene in Serbia in April 2012 has been published. All monitoring reports, publications and reports from round tables on monitoring are available within the Media Scene Monitoring section from the homepage of the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM).
(Medija Centar, 01.06.2012)

Public service broadcasters

In its programme, Radio-Television Vojvodina offers a significant role to national minorities and allows them to express and communicate in their own languages. All ethnic minorities have to be given an adequate representation in the media, which a complex task that demands major effort, it was said during the opening of the conference entitled "The Role of Public Service Broadcasters in Multi-Ethnic Environments". One of the key conclusions reached at the event was that it was necessary to adopt a model that would preserve individual characteristics but at the same time prevent ghettoization. In words of the director of RTV, Sinisa Isakov, the conference should contribute to innovation and improvement of programmes in various languages of national minorities. The conference was attended by representatives of public service broadcasters from the region, representatives of the Hungarian and French embassies, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations, national minorities and media experts.
(Dnevnik, NUNS, 25.05.2012)

Threats, attacks and legal proceedings against journalists; media-related trials

In the municipality of Sabac, a meeting took place between heads of the police in Sabac and representatives of local communities from several villages of Posavina. The meeting was organized by the president of the municipality, Vladica Markovic, but only reluctantly and after repeated urging. The meeting was dedicated to several incidents that occurred in the area. Immediately before the beginning of the meeting, the media entered the hall together with local citizens and the local priest. The villagers complained of the lack of public lighting, which made the scattered homes an easy pray for criminals. Markovic looked annoyed at these words and his face showed expressions that were difficult to interpret. Visibly upset, the president of the municipality left the room but soon returned and "politely" asked the media to leave the because "the policemen won't enter before you leave, and they don't have a place to sit while you are here". During a heated discussion between the representatives of local communities and Sabac policemen, the local citizens were presented a list with 200 criminal and misdemeanor charges against 15 local criminals, none of which have seen an epilogue in court. The last of the attacked persons was the driver of a minibus who had previously been interviewed by a local TV station. Locals believe that he was attacked by criminals who wanted to take revenge on him.
(Vecernje Novosti, 30.05.2012)

The commissioner for information of public importance and protection of personal data, Rodoljub Sabic, said that the public statement issued by the First Primary Court in Belgrade, which insinuated his responsibility for the unfavorable media reports about the Court, constituted an irresponsible attempt to divert the attention of the public from inexplicable acts committed by the Court.
(Politika, 31.05.2012)

The editorial team of the programme Zdravoskop visited the cities of Bor and Majdanpek recently, invited by the local Human Rights Committee to participate in a public discussion about the rights of medical patients. The event took place in the center of Majdanpek, in the premises of the Health Care Center, and the only media report about the event was prepared by a private TV station from Bor. NGO activists complained that a media war between political activists was evident in the media.
(Web portal Zdravoskop, 26.05.2012)

"The medical profession in the period 2007-2011 was not presented objectively in the print media", said Tatjana Radosavljevic, the director of the Medical Chamber of Serbia, during the yesterday's press conference that took place in Belgrade. She noted that the number of published articles that reported about the Serbian health care sector and doctors in a negative light was greater than the number of favorable articles.
(Pregled, UNS, NUNS, Press, Politika, 30.05.2012)

While the officials are still trying to identify those who are responsible for cutting of trees near the Sports and Culture Center "Sumice" in Belgrade, Ratko Bukvic, the former director of the company "Bwine", which contracted the construction of the football field at the location, seriously threatened yesterday the journalist with the Alo! daily newspaper. The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) condemns the threats made by Bukvic.
(Alo!, 25.05.2012)

A legal process against Zoran Petrovic Petrika from Pozarevac, the owner of the cafe "Sansa", began before the Primary Court in Pozarevac because of a insults and an attack on journalist Momcilo Veljkovic.
(Danas, NUNS, 25.05.2012)

The web portal Pistaljka condemns the threats against it made by the minister of defence, Dragan Sutanovac, because of its reports about the Development Fund. The web portal says that it has informed UNS, NUNS, EU Delegation in Belgrade, Council of Europe Office and the OSCE Mission about the threats. The threats will not prevent the website from continuing to expose and publish all available information about abuses.
(, UNS, NUNS, 29.05.2012)

The editor-in-chief of Jugpres, Ljiljana Stojanovic, wrote an open letter to highest state officials and representatives of the EU and OSCE Mission to Serbia because of threats made by the commander of Serbian Liberation Anti-Terrorist Movement, Mikan Velinovic, reports RTV Vranje. The threats were made after Jugpres published electronic messages sent by Velinovic to Saip Kamber, the recent president of the municipality of Bujanovac, after recent Albanian protests.
(RTV Vranje, Vranjske, NUNS, 31.05.2012)

Milena Vidojkovic, a journalists from Nis with 30 years of experience, has been fired from TV Niska because of, in her words, "insulting the employer". Vidojkovic claims that she has not insulted anyone and that the whole case relates to mobbing. Web portal Juzne Vesti called the director of TV Niska, Dragana Nikolic, but she declined to comment. Milena Vidojkovic has contacted all journalistic associations in Serbia, including the Associations of Journalists of Nis, and got assurances that SEEMO was informed about her case. She said that she intended to protect her rights in a court of law.
(Juzne vesti, 31.05.2012)

A court session was held today in the Higher Court of Novi Sad in relation to the lawsuit filed by the former director of the Privatization Agency and the vice president of the Novi Sad branch of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Vladimir Galic, against the weekly magazine Novi Magazin from Belgrade. Galic, who did not appear in court today, demands damages in the amount of one million dinars because of "huge damage to reputation and honor". Legal representatives of Novi Magazin presented evidence that the newspaper had based its story about the controversial privatization of "Azotara" Pancevo on facts and on documents from the Privatization Agency.
(Beta, NDNV, 01.06.2012)

The president of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, verbally attacked a journalist with the Beta news agency, Ljiljana Kovacevic, during the yesterday's press conference held in Banjaluka. He criticized her journalistic reports and told her not to enter the building of the President of the RS anymore. The director of Beta, Ivan Cvejic, told B92 that this was not the first such incident by the president of the Republic of Srpska. He intends to complain to journalistic associations in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
(Dnevnik, Alo!, 04.06.2012)

The president of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, said today that he had no intention of apologizing to the correspondent of news agency Beta from Banjaluka, Liljana Kovacevic, for his verbal attack during the press conference held in the presidential palace of the RS.
(Beta, NUNS, 04.06.2012, Politika, UNS, 05.06.2012)

The news agency Beta demanded today that the ministries of culture and foreign affairs of Serbia intervene with the authorities in Bosnia & Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska in response to the verbal attack by the president of the RS, Milorad Dodik, on the Beta correspondent from Banjaluka, Ljiljana Kovacevic.
(Beta, NUNS, UNS, 05.06.2012, Beta, Danas, NUNS, 24 sata,UNS, 06.06.2012)

A sports TV station from Belgrade, TV SOS, received a verdict from the Higher Commercial Court in Belgrade, resulting from the demand filed by the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL), ordering the station to pay 4.5 million dinars. The owner and director of TV SOS, Dragisa Kovacevic, said to Politika daily that the verdict constituted a form of pressure and that it threatened the freedom of the media. "They want TV SOS to close down before the end of the judicial process. For five years, TV SOS has been one of the parties in the legal dispute with RATEL and the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) because we had been allocated a non-functioning national frequency", said TV SOS. RATEL did not want to comment on an ongoing judicial process. "We will make a public statement after the completion of the process", said a representative of RATEL.
(Politika, NUNS, UNS, 29.05.2012, Alo, 30.05.2012)

The Journalists' Association of Serbia (UNS) demands that the authorities stop the legal violence committed against TV SOS by the Republic Agency for Electronic Communication (RATEL) until the completion of the legal proceedings before the Commercial Court in Belgrade in relation to the lawsuit filed by TV SOS against RATEL and the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA). UNS considers it unacceptable that a media outlet should pay the government any fees for a resource that has been unusable due to the mistake committed by the authorities. UNS warns that such legal practice, which is contrary to European conventions, may result in closure of media outlets.
(UNS, 29.05.2012, Politika, 30.05.2012)

The Sports Union of Serbia (SSS) and the Association of Sport Journalists (USN) called on all relevant institutions to solve the problem related to TV SOS and allow the station to have operate under the same conditions as all other broadcasters in Serbia. "By allocating an unusable frequency to TV SOS, RATEL has deprived the station from the right to work and prevented all sports fans to watch the programme of the only sports television which promotes domestic sport", says their statement.
(Beta, NUNS, 05.06.2012, Politika, UNS, NUNS, Kurir, 06.06.2012)

Legal representatives of Stanko Subotic Cane, who is wanted by Interpol, filed criminal charges yesterday for extortion of testimonies against heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Special Prosecutor's Office, the editorial team of daily newspaper Blic, and the Democratic Party (DS) officials.
(Blic, NUNS, 06.06.2012)

Investigations of murders of journalists

On the day of the murder of Slavko Curuvija, the former head of the Belgrade department of the National Security Agency, Milan Radonjic, was giving orders that Curuvija be followed and monitored while he was located at the then headquarters of the political party The Yugoslavian Left (JUL), reports daily newspaper Blic. However, at the hearings during the pre-criminal proceedings, the former head of the Agency did not mention that he was making orders from the headquarters of the political party founded by Mira Markovic, the wife of the then president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic.
(Blic, UNS, NUNS, 29.05.2012)

No new information has become available in relation to the murder of Slavko Curuvija, apart from information that has already been known two or three years ago, said lawyer Rajko Danilovic, in response to media reports that Milan Radonjic was giving orders that Slavko Curuvija be followed while situated in the then headquarters of The Yugoslavian Left (JUL).
(Danas, UNS, NUNS, 30.05.2012)

The minority media

The president of the National Council of Hungarians, Tamas Korhec, said that it was "outrageously cynical" not to allow the National Council to have authority over the management of Hungarian programmes of Radio-Television Vojvodina (RTV). In an article published by today's issue of the Magyar Szo newspaper, Korhec rejected the claims that the authority of the National Council of Hungarians over the programme of RTV would jeopardize the independence of the Hungarian programme.
(Beta, NDNV, 28.05.2012)

The general director of Radio-Television Vojvodina (RTV), Sinisa Isakov, said today that the president of the National Council of Hungarians, Tamas Korhec, was exerting "unnecessary pressure" on the management of the provincial public service broadcaster. In his press statement, Isakov said that the Law on National Councils was being directly implemented in cases when it did not contradict the Law on Broadcasting, which constitutes the founding statute of the RTV. He explained that current editors-in-chief of the programmes in Hungarian language on RTV were appointed in 2008, while the Law on National Councils was adopted in 2009.
(Beta, Magyar Szo, 28.05.2012)

The deputy chief of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Thomas Moore, said that it was apparent that certain national councils of national minorities were trying to exert control over the media whose founders they were. "Each attempt to control the content of the media is problematic", warned Moore at an event dedicated to the activities of national councils held in the Assembly of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. The conference entitled "National Councils of National Minorities in Serbia – Evaluation of Activities, the Present Situation and Future Prospects" was organized by the Center for Regionalism from Novi Sad within the project of evaluation of activities of national councils of the Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Bulgarian and Roma national minorities. The project was supported by the Fund for an Open Society of Serbia.
(Danas, 25.05.2012, Beta, NUNS, Autonomija, 04.06.2012, Dnevnik 05.06.2012)

The minority media outlets should coordinate their actions in the advertising market, and the headquarters of such a media pool that would offer necessary information and services to interested companies should be located within the news company Magyar Szo – this is the conclusion reached by the participants in the round table held in the premises of Magyar Szo in Novi Sad. The purpose of this effort is to increase the profile of the minority media in the advertising market and this event could be viewed as the first step in that direction. The event was attended by representatives of significant marketing and other companies, including McCann Group, AGB Nielsen, Media Research, Coca Cola, Mediabrands, ABC Serbia and IAB Serbia, while the initiative was suported by Telecom Serbia.
(Magyar Szo, NDNV, 26.05.2012)

Untitled Document The Media News Bulletin is edited by Marin and Goran Cetinic who can be contacted at

Media News Bulletin is a short account of media reports on the situation in the media. It has been created with the aim to register the information about the media published in the previous 14 days in Serbia, shortened to reflect the basic message of media reports and grouped in thematic subsections. The editors convey the news without changing the essential meaning of media reports on the media. For the readers interested in the complete published article, its source and date of publishing are given. Sections

This news bulletin is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IREX. The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, IREX or the United States Government.