MC Newsletter,
July 15, 2011
Dragan Banjac: Freelance journalists in SerbiaWhich media outlets are available to freelance journalists and is it possible for them to write for any media in Serbia? - the question, asked by the Media Center, reminded me of much better times from the recent past, when there was more freedom in the media...more |
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Nikola Lazic: The local media in the Pcinjski DistrictWhenever I have free time, I like to have a drink with friends whose only contact with the media amounts to watching television – mostly films and sport matches – and occasionally reading newspapers with their morning coffee, especially the crime section...more |
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Vesna Peric: Iranian blog activismIn June 2009, after the presidential elections in Iran, thousands of citizens, supporters of the opposition leader Hossein Mousavi, organized a protest against the regime that would later be known as the Green Wave, symbolized by its green color...more |